New Year, Who Cares?

Ceara Milligan
3 min readJan 1, 2024


Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

Ah, New Year’s Day, the overhyped hangover of the holiday season. Somehow, we’ve collectively agreed to treat January 1st as the magical day when our lives will miraculously transform. But let’s be real with ourselves and each other.

Firstly, the whole concept of a fresh start on January 1st is as absurd as thinking you can magically turn water into wine. If you’re expecting a radical life makeover just because the calendar has ticked over, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

Newsflash: the universe doesn’t care about your resolutions, and today is just another day in the cosmic calendar.

People treat New Year’s resolutions like a sacred pact, as if the sheer act of writing down a list of goals will summon a life coach from the heavens. Spoiler alert: it won’t. The gym won’t magically become less crowded, and kale won’t suddenly taste like chocolate.

If you think you can reinvent yourself overnight, you’re more deluded than a reality TV contestant expecting genuine love. Real change takes time, effort, and a level of commitment that’s about as rare as a unicorn sighting.

And can we address the absurdity of the New Year’s Eve countdown? The ticking clock is like the world’s most annoying hype girl, yelling at you to be a better person in the final seconds of the year. But once the confetti settles, it’s back to reality — your messy, imperfect life, where the gym still intimidates you, and the salad bar is just a detour to the pizza joint.

Let’s not forget the grandiosity of the “New Year, New Me” social media posts. Congratulations, you’ve declared your intentions to the world. Now, sit back and enjoy the flood of likes and comments as your followers silently question how long your newfound enthusiasm will last.

Spoiler: not until February.

The pressure to set resolutions is as intense as the glittery Times Square ball drop. Society makes you feel like you’re committing a sin if you don’t have a laundry list of goals for the coming year. But guess what? It’s perfectly acceptable to roll your eyes at the entire charade and embrace the fact that meaningful change doesn’t hinge on a date.

New Year’s Day is also the day when the world collectively decides that kale is the elixir of life. Suddenly, everyone becomes a nutrition expert, preaching the gospel of green smoothies and chia seeds. Guess what? Your taste buds aren’t going to magically start craving these alleged superfoods. Eat food and enjoy it.

Furthermore, the idea that you need to overhaul your entire life is downright exhausting. The pressure to be a better, fitter, more successful version of yourself is enough to send anyone into a stress-induced hibernation.

Take a deep breath and remember that it’s okay to be a work in progress. You don’t need to erase everything about yourself and start from scratch just because the calendar says so.

New Year’s Day is about as authentic as a politician’s promises during election season. The notion that you must undergo a radical transformation starting today is a societal construct fueled by unrealistic expectations and a dash of glitter.

So, let’s collectively roll our eyes at the overblown hype, sip on our not-so-green smoothies, and embrace the fact that meaningful change happens on its own timeline, not on the stroke of midnight.

Cheers to another year of unapologetically being ourselves!



Ceara Milligan
Ceara Milligan

Written by Ceara Milligan

Writer. Epicurean. Disco napper.

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