100 Small, Beautiful, Meaningful Things

Ceara Milligan
2 min readOct 30, 2023


A post-storm rainbow.
The symphony of leaves rustling in the breeze.
Dew-kissed spiderwebs.
Fizzy, foamy soda.
The intricate patterns of frost on a window.
The hypnotic dance of a flame in a candle.
A solitary leaf drifting on a calm pond.
Cream in coffee.
The joyful bounce of a puppy’s tail.
Sunflower fields.
The sensation of a warm embrace.
The gentle glow of fireflies in a meadow.
Intricate lace.
Worn baseball caps.
The timeless elegance of a pocket watch.
Storm clouds.
A perfectly symmetrical snowflake.
Chugging water in the middle of the night.
Vetiver cologne.
Musty books.
Witnessing someone peer at their reflection in a window.
A hummingbird’s acrobatic skills.
The iridescent surface of a soap bubble.
Babbling rivers.
Dancing solo.
The delicate precision of a watch.
The pop of a champagne cork.
Roasted marshmallows.
Store bells that toll as you enter and exit.
Genuine laughter.
The moon.
The feeling of cool sand.
Tortoises that live for hundreds of years.
Dropping a bath bomb in water.
The color pink.
A humming refrigerator.
Elotes and esquites.
Blowing dandelion seeds.
Cheesecake crust.
Warm tomatoes.
The glint of a coin tossed into a fountain. Plop!
Overripe bananas.
Ornate chandeliers.
Distant church bells.
Sand dollars.
Freshly chopped herbs.
A handwritten, mailed birthday card.
The rustling of leaves in an autumn breeze.
Honey on toast.
Baby laughter.
A tree’s rings revealing its history.
Bamboo blankets.
The Periodic Table.
The curious tilt of a dog’s head.
Birds on the sidewalk.
Farmer’s markets.
White chocolate.
A child’s first steps.
Public libraries.
A bouquet of fresh flowers.
Sharing a funny moment with a stranger.
Umami food.
Cool sheets on a hot summer night.
Homemade soup.
Long shadows.
Cozy duvets.
Kind cashiers.
Katharine Hepburn films.
The sound of rain tapping on a roof.
Spring jackets.
Antique clocks.
A rose garden in full bloom.
Quirky coffee mugs and teacups.
A solitary firefly.
Sipping out of a mason jar.
Intricate street murals.
The mysteries and infiniteness of outer space.
Corn cob pipes.
A starry night sky.
The gentle hush of a snowfall.
A cat’s contented purring.
Oven-fired pizza.
Edison bulbs.
French braids.
Watching squirrels play.
An unexpected act of kindness.

